This time it's the voting process that captures my attention(rather than the election & IPL, which is on every one's mind....minetoo).
I had chance to make my vote count & put ink to finger (that tomiddle one). Very few people are aware of the candidates & their mass of workdone by them in the past. We can have pamphlets / election manifestosdistributed by the candidates along with the news paper or better stillhave them hand delivered at the doorstep of the individuals, I believeis far better option to reach out to the common man rather than theuseless rally held by the contestants. (it only increases the trafficwoes of the over congested city).
The voting process in India is such that it is pain in the a*#to start with. People here have to search for their respective votingbooths to exercise the voting rights & to do that one has to get in aqueue of large number of people flocking at that one desk of thepolling officer (or whatever they are called), who will look into thesheets containing the names of the hapless souls. Why can we havecomputers at these desks so minimize the efforts of gazing throughdifferent pages? We can also have this simplified through internet/sms.(If there is such a process very few people are aware of it).
The long weekend / heat or other such abysmal excuse should notbe a reason for not voting. Long weekends can be had any time of theyear but, elections are purely a five year affair (if the GOVT. electedis stable enough). Then there are people who can vote but do not, it isbetter to go & choose the no-vote option. The point here is to VOTE atleast and choose the lesser of the two evil. Hopefully we all get abetter GOVT. this time around who will fulfill the promises (for achange).